Friday, October 18, 2013


Speed of a D.C. Motor

Eb = V-IaRa
But Eb=PФZN/60A
PФZN/60A  = V- IaRa
Or  N = (V- IaRa)/ Ф ×  60A/ PZ
Or N = K (V- IaRa)/ Ф
But         V- IaRa = Ea
Therefore N= K Eb/ Ф
Or N α Eb/ Ф
Therefore, in a d.c. motor, speed is directly proportional to back e.m.f. Eand inversely proportional to flux per pole Ф.

Speed Relations
If a d.c. motor has initial values of speed, flux per pole and back e.m.f. as N1 ,Ф1 and Eb1 respectively and the corresponding final values are N2 ,Фand Eb2 then,
Nα Eb1/ Фand Nα Eb2/ Ф2
Therefore N2/ N1 = (Eb2/ Eb1) ×( Ф/ Ф2)
(i) For a shunt motor, flux practically remains constant so that Ф1 = Ф2.
therefore  N2/ N1 = Eb2/ Eb1
(ii) For a series motor, Ф α Ia prior to saturation.
therefore N2/ N1 = (Eb2/ Eb1) × (Ia1/Ia2)
where Ia1 = initial armature current
Ia2 = final armature current
Speed Regulation

The speed regulation of a motor is the change in speed from full-load to no-load and is expressed as a percentage of the speed at full-load i.e.
% Speed regulation = [( N.L. speed - F.L.speed)/F.L.speed ] × 100
=[(N-N)/N] × 100

where No = No – load .speed
N = Full – load speed

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